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Luisi’s Home

Luisi’s Home

2018 THE HOME OFLUISI I When Luisi trusted us to renovate her first home, it was clear to her that she was looking for a contemporary, technological and dynamic environment (a true reflection of herself), in just 50 square meters. We proposed to combine this with...
Diario Información Digital Fusion

Diario Información Digital Fusion

2019 Alicante Diario InformaciónDigital fusion How should we approach a fusion of concepts? The audiovisual digital world versus a paper format. Rethinking its digital transformation. This was one of the first questions we asked ourselves when facing the challenge...


2019 La nucía LAB_NUCÍA ENTERPRISE LABORATORY LA NUCÍA WINNER OF THE Architizer Jury Award and the Architizer Popular Choice Award in the 2020 Best Institutional  INSTITUTIONAL GOVERMENTAL & CIVIC BUILDING category “No one will have failed to notice that the floor...
Lloret Agency

Lloret Agency

2019 ALTEA AGENCYLLORET Our initial conversations with María led us to conclude that a brand restyling was necessary together with the renovation, so we proposed a global answer. The renovation would come with a change of concept and image and we would thus achieve a...
Municipal Sports Pavilion

Municipal Sports Pavilion

2019 La NUCÍA (Alicante) MUNICIPAL SPORTS PAVILION The proposal for the “La Nucía” Sports Pavilion consisted of a single free-standing volume that meets all the project requirements. It resembles a mountain that emerges from the ground, seeking to merge with the...